Monday, September 5, 2011


I couldn't imagine being as young as I am and just loosing my life one day. People as talk about how there's a heaven after death, but how do we really honestly know? Faith? That's it. What if we really go to a place called Elsewhere where we age backwards, not forwards, where one day we become a baby again and get sent back to earth to be reborn again. Lizzie faces a huge battle of loss after being dead. She longs to go home to everything she knew so well, i wanted her to go back to. I couldn't imagine dying at 15. You still have so much more to do.nso much more life to live. Shenhad to leave her family and everything she loved without a choice. I myself in her shoes and I couldn't bare it. Isabel and Bailey wouldn't have there older sister anymore, Jaren would have his sister to give him rides anymore, and my parents, their first child would just be gone one day. Death always makes me think about Rodney who just left this earth one night, nobody knew it was coming. Nobody got to say goodbye to him. Death always makes me wonder about what's next. When people die I always wonder if they are really watching over us like everyone says, or did they just start a new life on a different island, I'd like to tell myself that the people I've known who have past look over me, because it's comforting, but at the end of the day I guess I don't really know. All I know is what people have shoved down my throat for years. My only hope when I do go, is that its quick and painless, and that I get to have a few words with the big man upstairs so that I can see what he's all about. I think after reading Elsewhere though, heaven sounds more appealing. I want to go to an entirely new place, I want a new adventure, not something so similar to earth. And I don't want to age backwards, I don't think I would want to age at all, I would just want to be the age I was when I died. I hope when I die, I get to see Rodney, and my grandparents again. And Jess's parents. I hope I get to meet Biggie and Tupac, that's the afterlife I want, not earth.

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