Monday, September 26, 2011

House Rules

In the book, House Rules, a young boy, Jacob, has Asperger's syndrome, he's liked by so many, but one day he is accused of murder. While reading this I'm noticing a lot of the struggles Jacob has to face with his syndrome, and it only makes me think of my little sister, Bailey, who suffers from PKU. Basically her brain won't break down protien, so she's on a really special diet where she basically can't eat anything, and is forced to drink 3 cups of special formula a day. Throughout her day to day life Bailey faces so many of lifes struggles so much harder than the rest of us. Her condition makes her brain function a lot different than ours, which results in her getting picked on a lot. Although Jacob and Bailey have completly different issues, they relate together in some way, they both are drawn away from the normal joys of this world that the rest of us take for granted. Jacob and Bailey have a constant battle everyday of their life, that will never go away.

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