Monday, September 19, 2011

The end of The Mockingbirds

I just finished my book, and I fell in love with the very last page, which just so happened to be the authors note.
"I decided to keep speaking up. I wrote about my experiences for the school newspaper, and I heard from even more women who'd been date-raped and from others who hadn't but who were glad the school was finally listening and acting. Other universities took notice of what happened at Brown and also started changing their policies and systems for handling date rape. Things are different now, and schools are doing a better job of protecting women.
Looking back nearly twenty years later, I know my experience speaking up and listening to others was critical to my own healing and, eventually, forgiveness."
This book was so dark and deep, but it has potential to put so much awareness out there to women everywhere, of every age. The author, after doing research, was inspired to write this story due to her own experience. Some critics said that the book was inappropriate to say the least, but how can real life be inappropriate? This happens all around the world, and this book could make so many people aware, I strongly suggest reading this book.

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